
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


OBJECT - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.json.JsonValue.ValueType
JSON object.
OBJECT_CREATION_ERROR_ID - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.util.MessageUtils
OBJECT_IS_READONLY - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.util.MessageUtils
ObjectMessage - Interface in jakarta.jms
An ObjectMessage object is used to send a message that contains a serializable object in the Java programming language ("Java object").
ObjectNotFoundException - Exception Class in jakarta.ejb
The ObjectNotFoundException exception is thrown by a finder or select method to indicate that the specified enterprise bean object or local object does not exist.
ObjectNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception class jakarta.ejb.ObjectNotFoundException
Constructs an ObjectNotFoundException with no detail message.
ObjectNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.ejb.ObjectNotFoundException
Constructs an ObjectNotFoundException with the specified detail message.
observe(EventContext<T>, Parameters) - Method in interface
Consumes an event.
observedType(Type) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.configurator.ObserverMethodConfigurator
Set the type of the observed event
ObserverException - Exception Class in jakarta.enterprise.event
Indicates that a checked exception was thrown by an observer method during event notification.
ObserverException() - Constructor for exception class jakarta.enterprise.event.ObserverException
Creates the exception with no detail message or cause.
ObserverException(String) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.enterprise.event.ObserverException
Creates the exception with given detail message.
ObserverException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.enterprise.event.ObserverException
Creates the exception with given detail message and cause.
ObserverException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.enterprise.event.ObserverException
Creates the exception with given cause.
ObserverInfo - Interface in
Observers are: observer methods synthetic observers Observer methods directly correspond to a method declaration in program source code.
observerMethod() - Method in interface
Returns the declaration of this observer method.
ObserverMethod<T> - Interface in jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi
Represents an observer method of an enabled bean.
ObserverMethodConfigurator<T> - Interface in jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.configurator
ObserverMethodConfigurator.EventConsumer<T> - Interface in jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.configurator
Represents an operation that accepts a context of a fired event.
Observer methods - Search tag in package jakarta.enterprise.event
Observes - Annotation Interface in jakarta.enterprise.event
Identifies the event parameter of an observer method.
ObservesAsync - Annotation Interface in jakarta.enterprise.event
Identifies the event parameter of an asynchronous observer method.
observeWith(Class<? extends SyntheticObserver<T>>) - Method in interface
Sets the class of the synthetic observer event notification function.
of(int) - Static method in record class
Create a limit that caps the number of results at the specified maximum, starting from the first result.
of(int, String, boolean, String, boolean, String, String, boolean, String) - Static method in class
Instance of the RememberMe Interceptor Binding.
of(ClassInfo) - Static method in interface
Returns a new AnnotationBuilder that builds an annotation of given type.
of(Class<?>) - Method in interface
Returns a type from given class literal.
of(Class<?>) - Static method in class jakarta.faces.model.FacesDataModel.Literal
of(Class<?>[]) - Static method in class jakarta.enterprise.inject.Typed.Literal
Obtain the Typed literal for the provided bean types
of(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in class jakarta.enterprise.context.BeforeDestroyed.Literal
Obtain the literal for the provided scope annotation
of(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in class jakarta.enterprise.context.Destroyed.Literal
Obtain the literal of the provided scope annotation
of(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in class jakarta.enterprise.context.Initialized.Literal
Obtain the literal of the provided scope annotation
of(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in interface
Returns a new AnnotationBuilder that builds an annotation of given type.
of(Class<T>) - Static method in interface
Creates a page request to use when querying on entities of the specified entity class.
of(String) - Static method in class jakarta.enterprise.inject.literal.NamedLiteral
Create a new NamedLiteral for the given name value
of(String) - Static method in class jakarta.faces.annotation.ManagedProperty.Literal
of(String) - Static method in class jakarta.faces.annotation.View.Literal
of(String) - Static method in class jakarta.faces.push.Push.Literal
of(String, boolean) - Static method in class jakarta.faces.component.behavior.FacesBehavior.Literal
of(String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class jakarta.faces.validator.FacesValidator.Literal
of(String, boolean, String, String) - Static method in class
Instance of the LoginToContinue Interceptor Binding.
of(String, Direction, boolean) - Static method in record class
Create a Sort instance
of(String, Class, boolean) - Static method in class jakarta.faces.convert.FacesConverter.Literal
of(String, Object) - Static method in interface jakarta.enterprise.event.NotificationOptions
ofArray(Type, int) - Method in interface
Returns an ArrayType for the given element type and number of dimensions.
ofClass(ClassInfo) - Method in interface
Returns a ClassType for the given class declaration.
ofClass(String) - Method in interface
Returns a ClassType for the given binary name, as defined by The Java™ Language Specification; in other words, the class name as returned by Class.getName().
ofExecutor(Executor) - Static method in interface jakarta.enterprise.event.NotificationOptions
OFFLINE_ACCESS_SCOPE - Static variable in interface
OFFSET - Enum constant in enum class
Indicates a request for a page using offset pagination.
ofPage(long) - Static method in interface
Creates a new page request with the given page number and with a default size of 10.
ofPrimitive(PrimitiveType.PrimitiveKind) - Method in interface
Returns a PrimitiveType for the given kind of primitive type.
ofSize(int) - Static method in interface
Creates a new page request for requesting pages of the specified size, starting with the first page number, which is 1.
ofVoid() - Method in interface
Returns a VoidType, representing the void pseudo-type.
ok() - Static method in class
Create a new ResponseBuilder with an OK status.
ok(Object) - Static method in class
Create a new ResponseBuilder that contains a representation.
ok(Object, MediaType) - Static method in class
Create a new ResponseBuilder that contains a representation.
ok(Object, Variant) - Static method in class
Create a new ResponseBuilder that contains a representation.
ok(Object, String) - Static method in class
Create a new ResponseBuilder that contains a representation.
OK - Enum constant in enum class
on(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CollectionJoin
Modify the join to restrict the result according to the specified ON condition and return the join object.
on(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Join
Modify the join to restrict the result according to the specified ON condition and return the join object.
on(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.ListJoin
Modify the join to restrict the result according to the specified ON condition and return the join object.
on(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.MapJoin
Modify the join to restrict the result according to the specified ON condition and return the join object.
on(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.SetJoin
Modify the join to restrict the result according to the specified ON condition and return the join object.
on(Predicate...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CollectionJoin
Modify the join to restrict the result according to the specified ON condition and return the join object.
on(Predicate...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Join
Modify the join to restrict the result according to the specified ON condition and return the join object.
on(Predicate...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.ListJoin
Modify the join to restrict the result according to the specified ON condition and return the join object.
on(Predicate...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.MapJoin
Modify the join to restrict the result according to the specified ON condition and return the join object.
on(Predicate...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.SetJoin
Modify the join to restrict the result according to the specified ON condition and return the join object.
onAllDataRead() - Method in interface jakarta.servlet.ReadListener
Invoked when all data for the current request has been read and any previous call to ReadListener.onDataAvailable() has returned to the container.
onblur - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandButton.PropertyKeys
onblur - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandLink.PropertyKeys
onblur - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputFile.PropertyKeys
onblur - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputSecret.PropertyKeys
onblur - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText.PropertyKeys
onblur - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputTextarea.PropertyKeys
onblur - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetButton.PropertyKeys
onblur - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetLink.PropertyKeys
onblur - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLabel.PropertyKeys
onblur - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLink.PropertyKeys
onblur - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox.PropertyKeys
onblur - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyCheckbox.PropertyKeys
onblur - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyListbox.PropertyKeys
onblur - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyMenu.PropertyKeys
onblur - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneListbox.PropertyKeys
onblur - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneMenu.PropertyKeys
onblur - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneRadio.PropertyKeys
onchange - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandButton.PropertyKeys
onchange - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputFile.PropertyKeys
onchange - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputSecret.PropertyKeys
onchange - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText.PropertyKeys
onchange - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputTextarea.PropertyKeys
onchange - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox.PropertyKeys
onchange - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyCheckbox.PropertyKeys
onchange - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyListbox.PropertyKeys
onchange - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyMenu.PropertyKeys
onchange - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneListbox.PropertyKeys
onchange - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneMenu.PropertyKeys
onchange - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneRadio.PropertyKeys
onclick - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.component.PassthroughElement.PropertyKeys
onclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlBody.PropertyKeys
onclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandButton.PropertyKeys
onclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandLink.PropertyKeys
onclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlDataTable.PropertyKeys
onclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlForm.PropertyKeys
onclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlGraphicImage.PropertyKeys
onclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputFile.PropertyKeys
onclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputSecret.PropertyKeys
onclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText.PropertyKeys
onclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputTextarea.PropertyKeys
onclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetButton.PropertyKeys
onclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetLink.PropertyKeys
onclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLabel.PropertyKeys
onclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLink.PropertyKeys
onclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGrid.PropertyKeys
onclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGroup.PropertyKeys
onclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox.PropertyKeys
onclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyCheckbox.PropertyKeys
onclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyListbox.PropertyKeys
onclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyMenu.PropertyKeys
onclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneListbox.PropertyKeys
onclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneMenu.PropertyKeys
onclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneRadio.PropertyKeys
onClose(Session, CloseReason) - Method in class com.sun.faces.push.WebsocketEndpoint
Remove given web socket session from the WebsocketSessionManager.
onClose(Session, CloseReason) - Method in class jakarta.websocket.Endpoint
This method is called immediately prior to the session with the remote peer being closed.
onClose(Consumer<SseEventSink>) - Method in interface
Register a listener, which will be called when this SseBroadcaster closes a given event SseEventSink or tries to write to a given SseEventSink that is already closed (either by client closing the connection or by calling SseEventSink.close() on the server side.
OnClose - Annotation Interface in jakarta.websocket
This method level annotation can be used to decorate a Java method that wishes to be called when a web socket session is closing.
onComplete(AsyncEvent) - Method in interface jakarta.servlet.AsyncListener
Notifies this AsyncListener that an asynchronous operation has been completed.
onComplete(Throwable) - Method in interface
An unmapped throwable is propagated to the default exception mapper in case no exception mapper has been found for a request processing failure.
onCompletion(Message) - Method in interface jakarta.jms.CompletionListener
Notifies the application that the message has been successfully sent
onComponentCreated(FaceletContext, UIComponent, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.faces.PassThroughElementComponentHandler
onComponentCreated(FaceletContext, UIComponent, UIComponent) - Method in class jakarta.faces.view.facelets.ComponentHandler
This method is guaranteed to be called after the component has been created but before it has been populated with children.
onComponentPopulated(FaceletContext, UIComponent, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.composite.RenderFacetHandler
onComponentPopulated(FaceletContext, UIComponent, UIComponent) - Method in class jakarta.faces.view.facelets.ComponentHandler
This method is guaranteed to be called after the component has been populated with children.
onDataAvailable() - Method in interface jakarta.servlet.ReadListener
When an instance of the ReadListener is registered with a ServletInputStream, this method will be invoked by the container the first time when it is possible to read data.
ondblclick - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.component.PassthroughElement.PropertyKeys
ondblclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlBody.PropertyKeys
ondblclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandButton.PropertyKeys
ondblclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandLink.PropertyKeys
ondblclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlDataTable.PropertyKeys
ondblclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlForm.PropertyKeys
ondblclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlGraphicImage.PropertyKeys
ondblclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputFile.PropertyKeys
ondblclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputSecret.PropertyKeys
ondblclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText.PropertyKeys
ondblclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputTextarea.PropertyKeys
ondblclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetButton.PropertyKeys
ondblclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetLink.PropertyKeys
ondblclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLabel.PropertyKeys
ondblclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLink.PropertyKeys
ondblclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGrid.PropertyKeys
ondblclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGroup.PropertyKeys
ondblclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox.PropertyKeys
ondblclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyCheckbox.PropertyKeys
ondblclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyListbox.PropertyKeys
ondblclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyMenu.PropertyKeys
ondblclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneListbox.PropertyKeys
ondblclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneMenu.PropertyKeys
ondblclick - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneRadio.PropertyKeys
onDisconnect(AsyncResponse) - Method in interface
This callback notification method is invoked in case the container detects that the remote client connection associated with the asynchronous response has been disconnected.
ONE_LEVEL - Enum constant in enum class
ONE_TO_MANY - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Attribute.PersistentAttributeType
One-to-many association
ONE_TO_ONE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Attribute.PersistentAttributeType
One-to-one association
onerror - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandScript.PropertyKeys
onError(AsyncEvent) - Method in interface jakarta.servlet.AsyncListener
Notifies this AsyncListener that an asynchronous operation has failed to complete.
onError(Session, Throwable) - Method in class com.sun.faces.push.WebsocketEndpoint
Delegate exception to onClose.
onError(Session, Throwable) - Method in class jakarta.websocket.Endpoint
Developers may implement this method when the web socket session creates some kind of error that is not modeled in the web socket protocol.
onError(Exception) - Method in class jakarta.batch.api.chunk.listener.AbstractChunkListener
Override this method if the ChunkListener will do something before the chunk transaction is rolled back.
onError(Exception) - Method in interface jakarta.batch.api.chunk.listener.ChunkListener
The onError method receives control before the chunk transaction is rolled back.
onError(Throwable) - Method in interface jakarta.servlet.ReadListener
Invoked when an error occurs processing the request.
onError(Throwable) - Method in interface jakarta.servlet.WriteListener
Invoked when an error occurs writing data using the non-blocking APIs.
onError(BiConsumer<SseEventSink, Throwable>) - Method in interface
Register a listener, which will be called when an exception is thrown by a given SseEventSink when this SseBroadcaster tries to write to it or close it.
OnError - Annotation Interface in jakarta.websocket
This method level annotation can be used to decorate a Java method that wishes to be called in order to handle errors.
OneToMany - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies a many-valued association with one-to-many multiplicity.
OneToOne - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies a single-valued association to another entity class that has one-to-one multiplicity.
onevent - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandScript.PropertyKeys
Oneway - Annotation Interface in jakarta.jws
Indicates that the given @WebMethod has only an input message and no output.
onException(JMSException) - Method in interface jakarta.jms.ExceptionListener
Notifies user of a Jakarta Messaging exception.
onException(Message, Exception) - Method in interface jakarta.jms.CompletionListener
Notifies user that the specified exception was thrown while attempting to send the specified message.
onfocus - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandButton.PropertyKeys
onfocus - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandLink.PropertyKeys
onfocus - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputFile.PropertyKeys
onfocus - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputSecret.PropertyKeys
onfocus - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText.PropertyKeys
onfocus - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputTextarea.PropertyKeys
onfocus - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetButton.PropertyKeys
onfocus - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetLink.PropertyKeys
onfocus - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLabel.PropertyKeys
onfocus - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLink.PropertyKeys
onfocus - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox.PropertyKeys
onfocus - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyCheckbox.PropertyKeys
onfocus - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyListbox.PropertyKeys
onfocus - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyMenu.PropertyKeys
onfocus - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneListbox.PropertyKeys
onfocus - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneMenu.PropertyKeys
onfocus - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneRadio.PropertyKeys
onkeydown - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.component.PassthroughElement.PropertyKeys
onkeydown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlBody.PropertyKeys
onkeydown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandButton.PropertyKeys
onkeydown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandLink.PropertyKeys
onkeydown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlDataTable.PropertyKeys
onkeydown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlForm.PropertyKeys
onkeydown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlGraphicImage.PropertyKeys
onkeydown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputFile.PropertyKeys
onkeydown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputSecret.PropertyKeys
onkeydown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText.PropertyKeys
onkeydown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputTextarea.PropertyKeys
onkeydown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetButton.PropertyKeys
onkeydown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetLink.PropertyKeys
onkeydown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLabel.PropertyKeys
onkeydown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLink.PropertyKeys
onkeydown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGrid.PropertyKeys
onkeydown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGroup.PropertyKeys
onkeydown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox.PropertyKeys
onkeydown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyCheckbox.PropertyKeys
onkeydown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyListbox.PropertyKeys
onkeydown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyMenu.PropertyKeys
onkeydown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneListbox.PropertyKeys
onkeydown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneMenu.PropertyKeys
onkeydown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneRadio.PropertyKeys
onkeypress - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.component.PassthroughElement.PropertyKeys
onkeypress - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlBody.PropertyKeys
onkeypress - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandButton.PropertyKeys
onkeypress - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandLink.PropertyKeys
onkeypress - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlDataTable.PropertyKeys
onkeypress - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlForm.PropertyKeys
onkeypress - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlGraphicImage.PropertyKeys
onkeypress - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputFile.PropertyKeys
onkeypress - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputSecret.PropertyKeys
onkeypress - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText.PropertyKeys
onkeypress - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputTextarea.PropertyKeys
onkeypress - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetButton.PropertyKeys
onkeypress - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetLink.PropertyKeys
onkeypress - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLabel.PropertyKeys
onkeypress - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLink.PropertyKeys
onkeypress - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGrid.PropertyKeys
onkeypress - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGroup.PropertyKeys
onkeypress - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox.PropertyKeys
onkeypress - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyCheckbox.PropertyKeys
onkeypress - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyListbox.PropertyKeys
onkeypress - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyMenu.PropertyKeys
onkeypress - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneListbox.PropertyKeys
onkeypress - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneMenu.PropertyKeys
onkeypress - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneRadio.PropertyKeys
onkeyup - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.component.PassthroughElement.PropertyKeys
onkeyup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlBody.PropertyKeys
onkeyup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandButton.PropertyKeys
onkeyup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandLink.PropertyKeys
onkeyup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlDataTable.PropertyKeys
onkeyup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlForm.PropertyKeys
onkeyup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlGraphicImage.PropertyKeys
onkeyup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputFile.PropertyKeys
onkeyup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputSecret.PropertyKeys
onkeyup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText.PropertyKeys
onkeyup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputTextarea.PropertyKeys
onkeyup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetButton.PropertyKeys
onkeyup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetLink.PropertyKeys
onkeyup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLabel.PropertyKeys
onkeyup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLink.PropertyKeys
onkeyup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGrid.PropertyKeys
onkeyup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGroup.PropertyKeys
onkeyup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox.PropertyKeys
onkeyup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyCheckbox.PropertyKeys
onkeyup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyListbox.PropertyKeys
onkeyup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyMenu.PropertyKeys
onkeyup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneListbox.PropertyKeys
onkeyup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneMenu.PropertyKeys
onkeyup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneRadio.PropertyKeys
onload - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlBody.PropertyKeys
onMessage(Message) - Method in interface jakarta.jms.MessageListener
Passes a message to the listener.
onMessage(Record) - Method in interface jakarta.resource.cci.MessageListener
This method allows an EIS to call a message endpoint using a request-response style communication.
onMessage(T) - Method in interface jakarta.websocket.MessageHandler.Whole
Called when the message has been fully received.
onMessage(T, boolean) - Method in interface jakarta.websocket.MessageHandler.Partial
Called when the next part of a message has been fully received.
OnMessage - Annotation Interface in jakarta.websocket
This method level annotation can be used to make a Java method receive incoming web socket messages.
onmousedown - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.component.PassthroughElement.PropertyKeys
onmousedown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlBody.PropertyKeys
onmousedown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandButton.PropertyKeys
onmousedown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandLink.PropertyKeys
onmousedown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlDataTable.PropertyKeys
onmousedown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlForm.PropertyKeys
onmousedown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlGraphicImage.PropertyKeys
onmousedown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputFile.PropertyKeys
onmousedown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputSecret.PropertyKeys
onmousedown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText.PropertyKeys
onmousedown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputTextarea.PropertyKeys
onmousedown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetButton.PropertyKeys
onmousedown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetLink.PropertyKeys
onmousedown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLabel.PropertyKeys
onmousedown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLink.PropertyKeys
onmousedown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGrid.PropertyKeys
onmousedown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGroup.PropertyKeys
onmousedown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox.PropertyKeys
onmousedown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyCheckbox.PropertyKeys
onmousedown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyListbox.PropertyKeys
onmousedown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyMenu.PropertyKeys
onmousedown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneListbox.PropertyKeys
onmousedown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneMenu.PropertyKeys
onmousedown - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneRadio.PropertyKeys
onmousemove - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.component.PassthroughElement.PropertyKeys
onmousemove - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlBody.PropertyKeys
onmousemove - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandButton.PropertyKeys
onmousemove - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandLink.PropertyKeys
onmousemove - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlDataTable.PropertyKeys
onmousemove - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlForm.PropertyKeys
onmousemove - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlGraphicImage.PropertyKeys
onmousemove - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputFile.PropertyKeys
onmousemove - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputSecret.PropertyKeys
onmousemove - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText.PropertyKeys
onmousemove - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputTextarea.PropertyKeys
onmousemove - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetButton.PropertyKeys
onmousemove - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetLink.PropertyKeys
onmousemove - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLabel.PropertyKeys
onmousemove - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLink.PropertyKeys
onmousemove - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGrid.PropertyKeys
onmousemove - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGroup.PropertyKeys
onmousemove - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox.PropertyKeys
onmousemove - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyCheckbox.PropertyKeys
onmousemove - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyListbox.PropertyKeys
onmousemove - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyMenu.PropertyKeys
onmousemove - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneListbox.PropertyKeys
onmousemove - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneMenu.PropertyKeys
onmousemove - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneRadio.PropertyKeys
onmouseout - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.component.PassthroughElement.PropertyKeys
onmouseout - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlBody.PropertyKeys
onmouseout - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandButton.PropertyKeys
onmouseout - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandLink.PropertyKeys
onmouseout - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlDataTable.PropertyKeys
onmouseout - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlForm.PropertyKeys
onmouseout - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlGraphicImage.PropertyKeys
onmouseout - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputFile.PropertyKeys
onmouseout - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputSecret.PropertyKeys
onmouseout - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText.PropertyKeys
onmouseout - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputTextarea.PropertyKeys
onmouseout - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetButton.PropertyKeys
onmouseout - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetLink.PropertyKeys
onmouseout - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLabel.PropertyKeys
onmouseout - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLink.PropertyKeys
onmouseout - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGrid.PropertyKeys
onmouseout - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGroup.PropertyKeys
onmouseout - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox.PropertyKeys
onmouseout - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyCheckbox.PropertyKeys
onmouseout - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyListbox.PropertyKeys
onmouseout - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyMenu.PropertyKeys
onmouseout - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneListbox.PropertyKeys
onmouseout - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneMenu.PropertyKeys
onmouseout - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneRadio.PropertyKeys
onmouseover - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.component.PassthroughElement.PropertyKeys
onmouseover - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlBody.PropertyKeys
onmouseover - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandButton.PropertyKeys
onmouseover - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandLink.PropertyKeys
onmouseover - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlDataTable.PropertyKeys
onmouseover - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlForm.PropertyKeys
onmouseover - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlGraphicImage.PropertyKeys
onmouseover - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputFile.PropertyKeys
onmouseover - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputSecret.PropertyKeys
onmouseover - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText.PropertyKeys
onmouseover - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputTextarea.PropertyKeys
onmouseover - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetButton.PropertyKeys
onmouseover - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetLink.PropertyKeys
onmouseover - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLabel.PropertyKeys
onmouseover - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLink.PropertyKeys
onmouseover - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGrid.PropertyKeys
onmouseover - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGroup.PropertyKeys
onmouseover - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox.PropertyKeys
onmouseover - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyCheckbox.PropertyKeys
onmouseover - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyListbox.PropertyKeys
onmouseover - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyMenu.PropertyKeys
onmouseover - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneListbox.PropertyKeys
onmouseover - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneMenu.PropertyKeys
onmouseover - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneRadio.PropertyKeys
onmouseup - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.component.PassthroughElement.PropertyKeys
onmouseup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlBody.PropertyKeys
onmouseup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandButton.PropertyKeys
onmouseup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandLink.PropertyKeys
onmouseup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlDataTable.PropertyKeys
onmouseup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlForm.PropertyKeys
onmouseup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlGraphicImage.PropertyKeys
onmouseup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputFile.PropertyKeys
onmouseup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputSecret.PropertyKeys
onmouseup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText.PropertyKeys
onmouseup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputTextarea.PropertyKeys
onmouseup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetButton.PropertyKeys
onmouseup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetLink.PropertyKeys
onmouseup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLabel.PropertyKeys
onmouseup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLink.PropertyKeys
onmouseup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGrid.PropertyKeys
onmouseup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGroup.PropertyKeys
onmouseup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox.PropertyKeys
onmouseup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyCheckbox.PropertyKeys
onmouseup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyListbox.PropertyKeys
onmouseup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyMenu.PropertyKeys
onmouseup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneListbox.PropertyKeys
onmouseup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneMenu.PropertyKeys
onmouseup - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneRadio.PropertyKeys
onOpen(Session, EndpointConfig) - Method in class com.sun.faces.push.WebsocketEndpoint
Add given web socket session to the WebocketSessionManager.
onOpen(Session, EndpointConfig) - Method in class jakarta.websocket.Endpoint
Developers must implement this method to be notified when a new conversation has just begun.
OnOpen - Annotation Interface in jakarta.websocket
This method level annotation can be used to decorate a Java method that wishes to be called when a new web socket session is open.
onProcessError(Object, Exception) - Method in class jakarta.batch.api.chunk.listener.AbstractItemProcessListener
Override this method if the ItemProcessListener will do something when the ItemProcessor processItem method throws an exception.
onProcessError(Object, Exception) - Method in interface jakarta.batch.api.chunk.listener.ItemProcessListener
The onProcessError method receives control after an item processor processItem throws an exception.
onPut(String, Object) - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.ApplicationInstanceFactoryMetadataMap
onPut(String, Object) - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.ViewMemberInstanceFactoryMetadataMap
onPut(K, V) - Method in class com.sun.faces.util.MetadataWrapperMap
onReadError(Exception) - Method in class jakarta.batch.api.chunk.listener.AbstractItemReadListener
Override this method if the ItemReadListener will do something when the ItemReader readItem method throws an exception.
onReadError(Exception) - Method in interface jakarta.batch.api.chunk.listener.ItemReadListener
The onReadError method receives control after an item reader throws an exception in the readItem method.
onreset - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlForm.PropertyKeys
onResult(SendResult) - Method in interface jakarta.websocket.SendHandler
Called once the message has been transmitted.
onRetryProcessException(Object, Exception) - Method in interface jakarta.batch.api.chunk.listener.RetryProcessListener
The onRetryProcessException method receives control when a retryable exception is thrown from an ItemProcessor processItem method.
onRetryReadException(Exception) - Method in interface jakarta.batch.api.chunk.listener.RetryReadListener
The onRetryReadException method receives control when a retryable exception is thrown from an ItemReader readItem method.
onRetryWriteException(List<Object>, Exception) - Method in interface jakarta.batch.api.chunk.listener.RetryWriteListener
The onRetryWriteException method receives control when a retryable exception is thrown from an ItemWriter writeItems method.
onselect - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandButton.PropertyKeys
onselect - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputFile.PropertyKeys
onselect - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputSecret.PropertyKeys
onselect - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText.PropertyKeys
onselect - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputTextarea.PropertyKeys
onselect - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox.PropertyKeys
onselect - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyCheckbox.PropertyKeys
onselect - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneRadio.PropertyKeys
onSkipProcessItem(Object, Exception) - Method in interface jakarta.batch.api.chunk.listener.SkipProcessListener
The onSkipProcessItem method receives control when a skippable exception is thrown from an ItemProcess processItem method.
onSkipReadItem(Exception) - Method in interface jakarta.batch.api.chunk.listener.SkipReadListener
The onSkipReadItem method receives control when a skippable exception is thrown from an ItemReader readItem method.
onSkipWriteItem(List<Object>, Exception) - Method in interface jakarta.batch.api.chunk.listener.SkipWriteListener
The onSkipWriteItems method receives control when a skippable exception is thrown from an ItemWriter writeItems method.
onStartAsync(AsyncEvent) - Method in interface jakarta.servlet.AsyncListener
Notifies this AsyncListener that a new asynchronous cycle is being initiated via a call to one of the ServletRequest.startAsync() methods.
onStartup(Set<Class<?>>, ServletContext) - Method in class com.sun.faces.config.FacesInitializer
onStartup(Set<Class<?>>, ServletContext) - Method in class com.sun.faces.config.FacesInitializer2
onStartup(Set<Class<?>>, ServletContext) - Method in interface jakarta.servlet.ServletContainerInitializer
Notifies this ServletContainerInitializer of the startup of the application represented by the given ServletContext.
onsubmit - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlForm.PropertyKeys
onTimeout(AsyncEvent) - Method in interface jakarta.servlet.AsyncListener
Notifies this AsyncListener that an asynchronous operation has timed out.
onunload - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlBody.PropertyKeys
onWriteError(List<Object>, Exception) - Method in class jakarta.batch.api.chunk.listener.AbstractItemWriteListener
Override this method if the ItemWriteListener will do something when the ItemWriter writeItems method throws an exception.
onWriteError(List<Object>, Exception) - Method in interface jakarta.batch.api.chunk.listener.ItemWriteListener
The onWriteError method receives control after an item writer writeItems throws an exception.
onWritePossible() - Method in interface jakarta.servlet.WriteListener
When an instance of the WriteListener is registered with a ServletOutputStream, this method will be invoked by the container the first time when it is possible to write data.
open() - Method in interface
Open the connection to the supplied SSE underlying web target and start processing incoming events.
open(int) - Method in class jakarta.mail.Folder
Open this Folder.
open(Serializable) - Method in class jakarta.batch.api.chunk.AbstractItemReader
Override this method if the ItemReader requires any open time processing.
open(Serializable) - Method in class jakarta.batch.api.chunk.AbstractItemWriter
Override this method if the ItemWriter requires any open time processing.
open(Serializable) - Method in interface jakarta.batch.api.chunk.ItemReader
The open method prepares the reader to read items.
open(Serializable) - Method in interface jakarta.batch.api.chunk.ItemWriter
The open method prepares the writer to write items.
opened(ConnectionEvent) - Method in class jakarta.mail.event.ConnectionAdapter
opened(ConnectionEvent) - Method in interface jakarta.mail.event.ConnectionListener
Invoked when a Store/Folder/Transport is opened.
OPENED - Static variable in class jakarta.mail.event.ConnectionEvent
A connection was opened.
OPENID_SCOPE - Static variable in interface
OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition - Annotation Interface in
Annotation used to define a container authentication mechanism that implements the Authorization Code flow and Refresh tokens as defined by the OpenId Connect specification and make that implementation available as an enabled CDI bean.
OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.List - Annotation Interface in
Enables multiple OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition annotations on the same type.
OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.OpenIdAuthenticationMechanism - Annotation Interface in
OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.OpenIdAuthenticationMechanism.Literal - Class in
Supports inline instantiation of the OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.OpenIdAuthenticationMechanism qualifier.
OpenIdClaims - Interface in
User Claims received from the userinfo endpoint.
OpenIdConstant - Interface in
Contains constant specific to OpenId Connect specification
OpenIdContext - Interface in
An injectable interface that provides access to access token, identity token, claims and OpenId Connect provider related information.
OpenIdProviderMetadata - Annotation Interface in
OpenIdProviderMetadata annotation overrides the openid connect provider's endpoint value, discovered using providerUri.
operationName() - Method in enum class jakarta.json.JsonPatch.Operation
Returns enum constant name as lower case string.
operationName() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.jws.WebMethod
Name of the wsdl:operation matching this method.
OPTIMISTIC - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.LockModeType
Optimistic lock.
OPTIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.LockModeType
Optimistic lock, with version update.
OptimisticLockException - Exception Class in jakarta.persistence
Thrown by the persistence provider when an optimistic locking conflict occurs.
OptimisticLockException() - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.OptimisticLockException
Constructs a new OptimisticLockException exception with null as its detail message.
OptimisticLockException(Object) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.OptimisticLockException
Constructs a new OptimisticLockException exception with the specified entity.
OptimisticLockException(String) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.OptimisticLockException
Constructs a new OptimisticLockException exception with the specified detail message.
OptimisticLockException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.OptimisticLockException
Constructs a new OptimisticLockException exception with the specified detail message and cause.
OptimisticLockException(String, Throwable, Object) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.OptimisticLockException
Constructs a new OptimisticLockException exception with the specified detail message, cause, and entity.
OptimisticLockException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.persistence.OptimisticLockException
Constructs a new OptimisticLockException exception with the specified cause.
OptimisticLockingFailureException - Exception Class in
Indicates a failure that is due to inconsistent state between the entity and the database.
OptimisticLockingFailureException(String) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new OptimisticLockingFailureException exception with the specified detail message.
OptimisticLockingFailureException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new OptimisticLockingFailureException exception with the specified detail message.
OptimisticLockingFailureException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new OptimisticLockingFailureException exception with the specified cause.
optional() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Basic
(Optional) Specifies whether the value of the field or property may be null.
optional() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.ManyToOne
(Optional) Whether the association is optional.
optional() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.OneToOne
(Optional) Whether the association is optional.
OPTIONAL - Enum constant in enum class
Client authentication is performed, but invalid clients are accepted.
OptionalELResolver - Class in jakarta.el
Defines property resolution, method invocation and type conversion behaviour on Optionals.
OptionalELResolver() - Constructor for class jakarta.el.OptionalELResolver
OptionComponentInfo(UIComponent) - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.HtmlBasicRenderer.OptionComponentInfo
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.CheckConstraint
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL which creates this constraint.
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.CollectionTable
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL statement which creates this table.
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Column
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL which declares this column.
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.DiscriminatorColumn
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL which declares this column.
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.ForeignKey
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL which creates this foreign key.
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Index
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL which creates this index.
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.JoinColumn
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL which declares this column.
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.JoinTable
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL statement which creates this table.
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.MapKeyColumn
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL which declares this column.
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.MapKeyJoinColumn
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL which declares this column.
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.OrderColumn
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL which declares this column.
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.PrimaryKeyJoinColumn
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL which declares this column.
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.SecondaryTable
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL statement which creates this table.
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.SequenceGenerator
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL statement which creates this sequence.
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Table
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL statement which creates this table.
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.TableGenerator
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL statement which creates this table.
options() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.UniqueConstraint
(Optional) A SQL fragment appended to the generated DDL which creates this constraint.
options() - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP OPTIONS method for the current request asynchronously.
options() - Method in interface
options() - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP OPTIONS method for the current request.
options() - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP OPTIONS method for the current request synchronously.
options(InvocationCallback<T>) - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP OPTIONS method for the current request asynchronously.
options(GenericType<R>) - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP OPTIONS method for the current request.
options(GenericType<T>) - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP OPTIONS method for the current request asynchronously.
options(GenericType<T>) - Method in interface
options(GenericType<T>) - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP OPTIONS method for the current request synchronously.
options(Class<R>) - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP OPTIONS method for the current request.
options(Class<T>) - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP OPTIONS method for the current request asynchronously.
options(Class<T>) - Method in interface
options(Class<T>) - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP OPTIONS method for the current request synchronously.
OPTIONS - Annotation Interface in
Indicates that the annotated method responds to HTTP OPTIONS requests.
OPTIONS - Static variable in annotation interface
or(Expression<Boolean>, Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a disjunction of the given boolean expressions.
or(Predicate...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a disjunction of the given restriction predicates.
or(List<Predicate>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a disjunction of the given restriction predicates.
OR - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.criteria.Predicate.BooleanOperator
Order<T> - Class in
Requests sorting on various entity attributes.
Order - Interface in jakarta.persistence.criteria
An object that defines an ordering over the query results.
orderBy(Order...) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery
Specify the ordering expressions that are used to order the query results.
orderBy(List<Order>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery
Specify the ordering expressions that are used to order the query results.
OrderBy - Annotation Interface in
Annotates a repository method to request sorting of results.
OrderBy - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies the ordering of the elements of a collection-valued association or element collection at the point when the association or collection is retrieved.
OrderBy.List - Annotation Interface in
Enables multiple OrderBy annotations on the method.
OrderColumn - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies a column that is used to maintain the persistent order of a list.
ORDERED_LIBS - Static variable in interface jakarta.servlet.ServletContext
The name of the ServletContext attribute whose value (of type java.util.List<java.lang.String>) contains the list of names of JAR files in WEB-INF/lib ordered by their web fragment names (with possible exclusions if <absolute-ordering> without any <others/> is being used), or null if no absolute or relative ordering has been specified
ORDINAL - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.EnumType
Persist enumerated type property or field as an integer.
orig - Variable in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.IndexedValueExpression
orig - Variable in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.IteratedExpression
ORIGINAL_REQUEST - Static variable in interface
orphanRemoval() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.OneToMany
(Optional) Whether to apply the remove operation to entities that have been removed from the relationship and to cascade the remove operation to those entities.
orphanRemoval() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.OneToOne
(Optional) Whether to apply the remove operation to entities that have been removed from the relationship and to cascade the remove operation to those entities.
OrTerm - Class in
This class implements the logical OR operator on individual SearchTerms.
OrTerm(SearchTerm[]) - Constructor for class
Constructor that takes an array of SearchTerms.
OrTerm(SearchTerm, SearchTerm) - Constructor for class
Constructor that takes two operands.
OTHER - Enum constant in enum class
Other, unrecognized HTTP status codes.
othersDeletesAreVisible(int) - Method in interface jakarta.resource.cci.ResultSetInfo
Indicates whether deletes made by others are visible.
othersInsertsAreVisible(int) - Method in interface jakarta.resource.cci.ResultSetInfo
Indicates whether inserts made by others are visible.
othersUpdatesAreVisible(int) - Method in interface jakarta.resource.cci.ResultSetInfo
Indicates whether updates made by others are visible.
otherwise(Expression<? extends R>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.Case
Add an "else" clause to the case expression.
otherwise(Expression<? extends R>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.SimpleCase
Add an "else" clause to the case expression.
otherwise(R) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.Case
Add an "else" clause to the case expression.
otherwise(R) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.SimpleCase
Add an "else" clause to the case expression.
OUT - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.jws.WebParam.Mode
OUT - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.ParameterMode
Stored procedure output parameter
OUT - Static variable in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.PageContext
Name used to store current JspWriter in PageContext name table.
OUTBOUND_MESSAGE_ATTACHMENTS - Static variable in interface
Standard property: Map of attachments to a message for the outbound message, key is the MIME Content-ID, value is a DataHandler.
outboundParameter(String, ValueExpression) - Method in class com.sun.faces.flow.builder.FlowCallBuilderImpl
outboundParameter(String, ValueExpression) - Method in class jakarta.faces.flow.builder.FlowCallBuilder
Define an outbound parameter for the flow call.
outboundParameter(String, String) - Method in class com.sun.faces.flow.builder.FlowCallBuilderImpl
outboundParameter(String, String) - Method in class jakarta.faces.flow.builder.FlowCallBuilder
Define an outbound parameter for the flow call.
OutboundSseEvent - Interface in
Representation of a single outbound Server-sent event.
OutboundSseEvent.Builder - Interface in
A builder class used for creating OutboundSseEvent instances.
OUTCOME_TARGET_BUTTON_NO_MATCH - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.util.MessageUtils
OUTCOME_TARGET_LINK_NO_MATCH - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.util.MessageUtils
OUTCOMETARGETBUTTON - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.renderkit.AttributeManager.Key
OutcomeTargetButtonRenderer - Class in com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic
OutcomeTargetButtonRenderer() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.OutcomeTargetButtonRenderer
OUTCOMETARGETLINK - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.renderkit.AttributeManager.Key
OutcomeTargetLinkRenderer - Class in com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic
OutcomeTargetLinkRenderer() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.OutcomeTargetLinkRenderer
OutcomeTargetRenderer - Class in com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic
OutcomeTargetRenderer() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.OutcomeTargetRenderer
output() - Element in annotation interface
Explicit value of the WS-Addressing Action message addressing property for the output message of the operation.
outputB(OutputStream) - Method in interface jakarta.mail.util.StreamProvider
Creates a 'b' encoder from the OutputStream.
outputBase64(OutputStream) - Method in interface jakarta.mail.util.StreamProvider
Creates a 'base64' encoder from the OutputStream.
outputBinary(OutputStream) - Method in interface jakarta.mail.util.StreamProvider
Creates a 'binary', '7bit' and '8bit' encoder from the OutputStream.
OUTPUTBODY - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.renderkit.AttributeManager.Key
OUTPUTDOCTYPE - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.renderkit.AttributeManager.Key
OUTPUTFORMAT - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.renderkit.AttributeManager.Key
OUTPUTHEAD - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.renderkit.AttributeManager.Key
OUTPUTLABEL - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.renderkit.AttributeManager.Key
outputLineStream(OutputStream, boolean) - Method in interface jakarta.mail.util.StreamProvider
Creates a new LineOutputStream that supports writing out Strings as a sequence of bytes terminated by a CRLF sequence.
OUTPUTLINK - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.renderkit.AttributeManager.Key
OutputLinkRenderer - Class in com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic
OutputLinkRenderer is a class ...
OutputLinkRenderer() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.OutputLinkRenderer
OutputMessageRenderer - Class in com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic
OutputMessageRenderer is a class that renderes UIOutput
OutputMessageRenderer() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.OutputMessageRenderer
outputQ(OutputStream, boolean) - Method in interface jakarta.mail.util.StreamProvider
Creates a 'q' encoder.
outputQP(OutputStream) - Method in interface jakarta.mail.util.StreamProvider
Creates a 'quoted-printable' encoder from the OutputStream.
OUTPUTTEXT - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.renderkit.AttributeManager.Key
outputUU(OutputStream, String) - Method in interface jakarta.mail.util.StreamProvider
Creates a 'uuencode', 'x-uuencode' and 'x-uue' encoder from the OutputStream.
overrideContextInitParameter(WebConfiguration.BooleanWebContextInitParameter, boolean) - Method in class com.sun.faces.config.WebConfiguration
overrideContextInitParameter(WebConfiguration.WebContextInitParameter, String) - Method in class com.sun.faces.config.WebConfiguration
OverridesAttribute - Annotation Interface in jakarta.validation
Marks an attribute as overriding the attribute of a composing constraint.
OverridesAttribute.List - Annotation Interface in jakarta.validation
Defines several OverridesAttribute annotations on the same element
ownDeletesAreVisible(int) - Method in interface jakarta.resource.cci.ResultSetInfo
Indicates whether a ResultSet's own deletes are visible.
owner - Variable in class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.faces.ValidatorTagHandlerDelegateImpl
ownInsertsAreVisible(int) - Method in interface jakarta.resource.cci.ResultSetInfo
Indicates whether a ResultSet's own inserts are visible.
ownUpdatesAreVisible(int) - Method in interface jakarta.resource.cci.ResultSetInfo
Indicates whether a ResultSet's own updates are visible.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ 
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